
MCTham more like MCCooked, let me explain

minecraft server

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MCTham is the server that i made with my heart but now... something going wrong.... I want to explain but i may cooked but who care?

What is MCTham?

MCTham is a "Minecraft Server" founded in 2021 by Phapoom Saksri and Kanison Konkla at the time MCTham was planned to be a thai minigames/smp server based on pocketmine and partner with a youtuber ThamTVMaster, MCTham was doing very good when we release. here is few screenshots and picture from 2021:

1 1 1

Thanks picture from ThamTVMaster discord <3

This is the First Ever Live Stream on MCTham, surprise is that server has been known in ThamTvMaster birthday.

MCTham was really successful and popular during SS.1 and SS.2


MCTham Player hunter event in SS2

MCTham History (Lore)

At first, MCTham was created and founded by Phapoom Saksri and Kanison Konkla because at the time, I'm only 10-11 years old. I found him making an addon for minecraft in voice chat or somewhere, and i tested the addon and it was fun to play with, So I decide to ask him if he want to work on a minecraft server project together and he said "ok"

At the time, MinaseYu is ThamTvMaster Big head (in that time), So we talked with him for awhile, I asked if he can help me make a lobby for MCTham. after a few talks and he agreed, at first he don't trust that MCTham would be popular but whatever, we just created it anyways.

After that, I and Kanison Konkla talk with ThamTvMaster in Private Message about this new minecraft server and after he agreed, we used the name "MCTham" because MC mean minecraft and Tham mean nickname of ThamTvMaster

Fun fact: MCTham have so many problem with the lobby because of pocketmine 3, at the time pocketmine 4 didn't release yet and still in development with a lot of "bugs" but somehow we made the lobby away... (with a lot of unsupported features for building)

I managed the server and Kanison Konkla manage almost everything else since i don't know about computer or php (i don't have access to computer and php knowledge at the time)

However, the server doing great and few players (from ThamTvMaster) and its getting popular from people playing and the first successful gamemode is "SMP" (SS1/2)

I don't remember much, But If I remember correctly. MinaseYu was asking his friends if he wanted to be an admin in ThamTVMaster Discord Server and MCTham he said yes and this is where the story get started (SANCHO ARC 0)

MinaseYu introoduce his friend "Piyadon Chaengchenjai" (Known as Cgggwtruck, The Fron Tv Minecraft, HariUwU or OmagariHare) and everyone (including ThamTVMaster) starting to knowing him after he did some parkour challenge and getting rewards and somehow he being an admin of mctham at the time, I don't know much because I have dementia.

Looks like everything going great, new team, new members and more?.... uhhhhh

First MCTham downfall (2022)

I didn't think it will happen so quickly but let me explain. Kanison Konkla at the time is well a "kind" person, he's giving items to players but someone doesn't like this and they said something need to be change...

Piyadon Chaengchenjai with his team doing some unexpected changes, because all admin can access the server if they requested it, they decide to change the password and takeover MCTham from Kanison Konkla and I, and they do anything they want on their own.

And due to many drama, It's affecting Kanison Konkla like DMCA and etc, He's getting more hated from the team (This would be too long so I'm not explaining it here.)

But because at the time, Our team can't code PHP for MCTham mini games, MCTham mini games has been cancelled and few things have been removed, only SMP is available because our team can do TypeScript/JavaScript and bedrock addons require TS/JS to make it work, and well. Going pretty good... but not so well...

Looks like the main MCTham plan has been destroyed but everything still going,

But in that time, I'm in both of side but I like to agree much with Kanison Konkla because the problem cannot be an enough reason to kick him out (and this server IS NOT PAY TO WIN)

And after few session, MCTham getting problem about downtime (Yea, I can't founding more server) and finally, mctham doing a long shutdown and never back again... (it is all my fault....)

Fun Fact: We used to have a domain called "mctham.net" but I forgot about it for like 2 years lol


MCTham Rewritten Project (Forgetten Project)

Since 2021(Q3) after Kanison Konkla has been kicked, i talk him to make new project "MCTham Rewritten", and he agreed, His invite some of his friend like "aitji" but sadly, due to few drama in current McTham + DMCA drama, we didn't have time and finally, this project...died.

However, if you asking, the DMCA is real? I think this things can tell you, yea Kanison Konkla dump the hive resource or map i forgot and upload to github and yea, dmca'd

MCTham is back again??? (2024)

Someday in 2024, I talking with my few friends like Piyadon Chaengchenjai, Warathep Panthongkham, Pannarat Wiriyaarritham, Pakrn c. and I talking about MCTham and few history because

and both of them agreed to make MCTham back to life again, sounds great alright?

However, Pannarat Wiriyaarritham help to manage domain (he buy mctham.fun, that why)

  • Did you know? MCTham almost have MCTham earth but due to current resource of MCTham is very slow and can't render a 100GB+ of world, We cancelled it... Nope Piyadon Chaengchenjai giving up after few talk with us and MinaseYu

First, this is my plan about MCTham on 2024

From this list, everything looks good, alright?...

In first, MCTham SMP has been spoiler in ThamTvMaster Discord a

  • Did you know? MCTham in 2024 in first use same team with notmycode!

and MCTham (SMP) has back to life on 27 October 2024 with few features

  • Minecraft Java (Purpur) based
  • Bedrock (Geyser) and Java support (Only premium account for java)

and not too much, only this.

In first, everything looks like okay... based on this Live Stream

Looks like players kinda happy and back a little bit, when what wrong?

From security issues to drama

2 November 2024, Warathep Panthongkham "accidentally" hack to MCTham server because Piyadon Chaengchenjai doing few security risks, here is why

  • 4 digits username "idum" mean "nig***" in thai language (and very easy to cracked because it is his "favourite" word)
  • No password
  • No SRV Record or Proxy, you can RDP Directly by using smp.mctham.fun

After she Remote desktop it, she just want to make MCTham better like installing CoreProtect and few anti-grief, do not forgot is that she is MCTham Team in that time (but not MCTham SMP team, only minigames)

But sadly, after Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Pakrn c., they are rage and decide to banned and destroyed all house (it created by Warathep Panthongkham) and check new player carefully and banned her on ThamTvMaster by vote and few computer law, also kick her out from MCTham team...

Here is reason why they decide to destroyed all her house:

    1. Drama
    1. She used cheat mod (Yea, the main reason and i agreed with that)

This kinda weird because she didn't do anything bad, in fact she in mctham team but not same zone but however, what i said.... (She should getting only waning and make security better but they care? no)

However, after this drama end after Pakrn c. and Warathep Panthongkham talking together in telegram group chat and looks like funny talk and everything end.

This things kinda like good ending? No.

MCTham downfall 2024

This maybe linked to Previous downfall but let me explain...

11 November 2024 I moved MCTham to Microsoft Azure Due to too many hardware failure and issues came from current server. (Current server used HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 15-ec0xxx with AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with 1/2 fans working, i mean Piyadon Chaengchenjai old laptop and the laptop is like to overheating like 115-135ºC and windows kill process itself) and giving time to him to let his fix his laptop but... he starting to not okay but not too much but main issues is come...

Pakrn c. doing poll in MCTham group chat with the topic "bring luckperms back" and here is result

  • Yes 60% 3 votes
  • No 40% 2 votes

poll And Pakrn c. brings luckperms back but someone is NOT OKAY with that... Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla

But why? Because

    1. He don't trust Pakrn c. for some reason (cheating/op i guess)
    1. He scared to have problems with other plugins (but how?)
    1. Vanila

after this update, Piyadon Chaengchenjai like communist and uh decide to quit for a while but... before he quit...

a a a a a

I mean, his talking not like normal "person", I don't know this is so cringe or not but i feel like that

And uh, we decide to manage MCTham with ourself but sometimes proxy server have issues and Piyadon Chaengchenjai doing a litte bit of laughing, but however we solved it in 10 mintues

a a a

..Sancho arc is not over.


Let this chat explain...

First of all, he want "vanilla" too much... (Did you know? He want to takeover MCTham because he want to turned this to "vanilla" and that is one of reason of previous downfall) (But MCTham is no longer "vanilla" because "velocity" and "purpurMC") and Second, he trusted that him and Kanison Konkla have too much free time to manage server BUT

But we ignore him but uh, HE WANTS MCTHAM TOO MUCH and we few things happen like we can't transfeter to his server because WE PASUED MCTHAM?


And he add me to group chat and explaining like his house got nuked and Pakrn c. using cheating command etc, but this will too long and not much useful, i will show only important infomation is it will afftced to all players

After he talking about "your data is not right" and will confirmed to reverse/reset world, i tell asked him about "responsibility" and here is answer:

abc abc

Keep in mind: message "destroy by gamemode" his meaning house being nuked by using gamemode.

To be fair for everyone, I have full chat about house nuking, player data and etc in here!

a day later.... he said this.......


After few talk in voice chat, he said "no one own mctham" and uh, i don't know about no one tell current mctham is fake because

    1. MCTham running under mctham.fun domain
    1. ThamTvMaster still agreed the status.

I can't remember too much but after few talks in voice chat, we decide to check his HP laptop again after he said "I already solved this (fan issues with unknown way)" with Kanison Konkla

However after few benchmark, i decide to let him manage but waiting update from my side.

Few days later... After few talks with Pakrn c. and Pannarat Wiriyaarritham, i decide to make agreement but it's kinda "unfair" but let Piyadon Chaengchenjai can own MCTham under agreement but something going wrong...


However, if you see, HE will WON'T help me to apply IT if i still don't edited any "agreement"

Tiny explain: I'm decide to apply to same college with Piyadon Chaengchenjai, however after this drama. I feel i walking wrong way... (I have problem to move from DBT to IT, that why i need his help)

However, I don't want to make more drama with him and i decide to giving mctham head project to him...

Notice: Giving MCTham head project mean, his manage anything and I will won't give a fuck if project being downfall or anything fails because he said: Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla can do it but who knows?

And at first, he promise that he will responsible for all damange but, let see this after MCTham back to his hand:

    1. He reset all worlds due to "freeze" status what they said and grief in his house (only his house and reset a whole world)

However, he didn't "responsible" with this damange because he can't op or use any cheat commands to help... also no anyone report and he didn't talk about this in annocument

Also i forgot to tell you but i need to back to this topic. After he quit from group chat for a while, we already do a talk about luckperms and etc in notmycode stages but he decide to quiet and let Kanison Konkla answer instead and both of them didn't answer it. (They answer a litte bit but not enough...) I talk them why you don't answer too much and look like Kanison Konkla have technical issues, well it's fine

Looks like Piyadon Chaengchenjai don't like to talk to stages but it's fine... However, here is video of talking if you want (thai)

And uh, everythings looks not okay...

Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla getting hate from "notmycode" team

First of all, MCTham after being control by Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla kinda painful, i mean no any plugins to automaitic destroy all tree with 1 click or /sethome like previous before takeover, i talking this things to them because all mctham new session need "something different" but here is they answer

Bedrock & Java can play together, here is "different"

I mean, they right but this is very "weird" "different" and non-sense but uh,

I talking about how useful /sethome and automatic tree cut but they said: "idc, cut tree is easy", "skill issues" etc, sadly i lost to few screenshots again. but i will update later.

Did you know? Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla kinda don't care about pronouns and we just mad a littie bit...

Before this happen, Warathep Panthongkham just compain about server performance and uh ego

Kinda "ego" for me, I don't know

And uh, Warathep Panthongkham got banned for caught for cheating but uh


I will won't explain more but look with yourself

How about Piyadon Chaengchenjai? kick

He got kicked from notmycode

After mixing all drama about both of them and uh, homophobic i guess?

Finally, Me, Pakrn c., Warathep Panthongkham and Pannarat Wiriyaarritham decide to make new minecraft server to fight again with MCTham and...

From drama to cracking, and now to the new project: "Deeka MC".

After Pakrn c. upset with Piyadon Chaengchenjai, We decide to invite Warathep Panthongkham to our new project after few "good talk" and her skill.

However, Why "Deeka MC"

    1. I have one domain that use for url shorter "deeka.me" and i decide to use this
    1. deeka mean "ดีค่ะ" in thai language, mean hello but shorter and more feminine (Because 3/4 is non-binary and transgender MTF)

I'm agreed that "Deeka MC" use MCTham based before takeover by Piyadon Chaengchenjai, However i do not care and decide to make it better.

By doing this, we doing something that MCTham "doesn't" have

    1. Friendly staff/admin
    1. Something "different" from normal survive like new world genreation/biome
    1. Anti-grief, luckperms for permission manage and few more to make deeka better than "MCTham"

However, this is few pic from deeka if you want to see: deeka-lobby

Deeka Lobby


Deeka SMP

Right now, Deeka MC have knockback ffa and SMP with beautiful lobby by Pakrn c., fact we did this before MCTham :trollface: Also we have plan to promote this server to facebook and other platforms soon, however we already ask ThamTvMaster to touch our server in his stream.

Oh, i forgot something, who people in the team do, let see!

Looks good, I hope deeka will have beautiful dream <3

However, you think deeka born and someone will don't have drama with them? little bit.

Java and Bedrock PVP is unfair! (someone said)

While ThamTvMaster stream our server, Kanison Konkla Direct message to me with this message:


However, geyser already solved about unfair knockback like few months/year ago and we already tested on our side and nothing wrong.

However this topic being drama for a hour and now it's quiet...

We have done countless testing. There is no issues with Knockback on Geyser. They pretty much work the same way as the java player does.

There is no advantage if you played on java nor bedrock. Since they both have the same combat experience. (We removed the combat cooldown.)



Piyadon Chaengchenjai and Kanison Konkla owns MCTham for now and we don't know how mctham will going in the futures...

DeekaMC has born to fight against with MCTham

I hope this things will getting any updates soon and yea, here is all mctham drama begin and never end...


Warathep Panthongkham - Improve english and this blog

  • Last updated: 08 Dec 2024